Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good Bye Summer

Well, today is the first official day back to school for me. (whomp whomp) But on the brighter side of things, I'm a bit blissful that this is one step closer to finishing school :). Congrats to my D.R.E.S.S.E.S Noelle and Rachel for their interns (we're moving up ladies!) So you ask..."Skye is this the end of parting, good times, drunk nights, and hysterical moments?" ....Is that really a question??...Do you really have that written down in your notebook...You smell me baby...I smell like money, fun, and good times. So let the games begin :) Holla.


Anonymous said...

Skye, you're still the best. lol

Anonymous said...


oh wait what about those long dresses

erinPEPPER said...

DRESSES! congrats to me too! im going to london biaaaaatch! lol. congratss to US all gettin our school on lmao

Skye said...

Damn that I know who YOU are..YOU really do rock...and no, your THE BEST :)